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Tiny Boothnes Island has turned its back on the modern world and all its technology. But the modern world comes knocking in the form of Tom Swift, enjoying a resort cruise in the South Pacific and relaxing by tinkering with his meropticon, an ocean-eye camera that can provide a vista-view of the seafloor as if turning the ocean waters invisible. The weeks-long cruise aboard the Meridienne is interrupted by the crash of a seaplane--first incident in the eerie mystery of the Dead-Faced Watchers, who haunt the coral shoals around the island like undersea spectres. With his family and friends at his side, Tom strives to uncover the secret that veils Boothnes and keeps the daughter of its owners behind a mask--a mystery that takes a fantastic turn as the entire cruise ship vanishes with Tom’s family aboard--as if swallowed up into the depths of the sea!